> Monday, March 20, exactly 9 months/36 weeks have been completed in
> treatment. I’ve gotten some very nice feedback from you recently, and
> my wife tells me I had better keep writing, because it might be
> important.
> While my medical treatment for Hep C has been successful, I have
> observed that it lacks a holistic approach. The traditional treatment
> plan offered throughout our healthcare system misses most of the
> fundamental needs of the patient by ignoring every issue besides the
> chemistry that is the basis of Hep C treatment. As the treatment
> progresses, it leaves one vulnerable to loss of body mass, energy
> shortage, and psychological dislocation. There is no formal auxiliary
> treatment that addresses diet, rehab, or relationship development that
> ultimately takes over as time progresses. I’ve been lucky enough to
> have support in all those areas, but what about someone who faces
> these realities without any help? During my time on Interferon and
> Ribavirin, Angela has seen to it that food is plentiful, wholesome,
> and natural. Whenever possible, we use organic produce and lots of
> whole grain. We are not vegetarian, but do attempt to always supply
> ourselves with more fruit and vegetable produce and use lean organic
> meats as the "sides" . It’s good eatin’ and I’m enjoying every bit of
> it. We started a program of physical rehab at a fitness club. While
> Angela has maintained the daily 3 mile trek around the Rose Bowl, I
> have not had the motivation or energy to go out. I lost control of my
> physical stature over the course of this time under medication, and my
> body has wilted from inactivity. I don’t know if I can make up the
> slack. I’m going to try to return to a regular bicycle ride and a
> weight training routine. We have also been looking at a number of
> insight related areas that are helpful. Yet, I feel the most valuable
> therapy is the consistent availability of a partner and his or her
> willingness to hear all the whining, dream-telling and self- analysis
> you can dish out. Somewhere in all that introspection is the security
> I desperately crave. Now that we’ve undone the virus, looked at ways
> to recoup my physical nature, and corrected my diet, it’s time to
> focus on helping others. This is the spiritual transfusion that can
> make me truly a better person.
> I’ve recently returned from Italy where I had to take along a dose
> an Interferon for the following Monday, as I would be gone a total of
> 11 days. When my luggage failed to arrive in Venice, being that it
> was stuck in New York at JFK from baggage mishandling, I wondered
> what condition the dose would be in. We had packed the contents in
> stay-cold packs with the thought that it would stay refrigerated until
> I was able to stow it in a proper place. On Saturday night, I
> unwrapped the reunited duffel bag to find a soggy, but still cold
> package with the dose in it. The next morning, a day early, I decided
> to get on with the dose and not have to mess around thinking about
> refrigerators. That was the first time I gave myself a “shot” on the
> road. Well, maybe not the first, but certainly the first beneficial
> shot. (Moral of story: always carry your medications in your
> carry-on bag and keep them with you at all times.)
> When I see Dr.Bartley again, I will be almost at 40 weeks. Seems
> like I’m almost finished, but that is two more months of pill taking
> and Interferon injections, and I shouldn’t quit until it’s officially
> over. Maybe it’s why I still can’t seem to get motivated for anything.
> All I care to do these days is ride my HD and look at eBay for bike
> related parts. Although I never think of the treatment and the drugs I
> have to take as debilitating any longer, I wonder if it still is
> having a negative effect on me anyway. For that reason alone I wish
> for this treatment to be over. I don’t really feel anything in
> particular related to the medication. It’s a lame excuse, I know, but
> makes me wish to be done with it and get on with a normal life.
> Ok, kids…sorry for not keeping up with the blog on a regular basis.
> With traveling done for now, I will try to make a regular stab at
> writing. I’m a lazy sot, and I know it. Bear with me. Ciao.